Established in 2019, Happy Hippos began as a Date Night Vlog for married couples seeking to provide cheap, simple and fun date night ideas for those with young kids (like us) who struggle to find the time or budget for expensive and complicated nights out on the town.
Since then we continue to evolve in order to achieve our purpose. In 2022 Happy Hippos Company was organized and created our website shop and Etsy store to match.
Our purpose is simple, brighten the world through positivity and humor. We strive to create content and space safe for kids and families, (and those who are kids at heart). We aim to entertain and educated, that is it. No social or political agendas, just wholesome, cute, humor and primary education. We take any opportunity to promote uplifting morals and educate our audience on basic principles, but we leave it to parents to decide when and how they instruct or influence their children on complex, controversial and sociological subjects.
“Be a positive influence and brighten the world through the use of humor”
– Happy Hippos Company Executive Team
We currently focus on teaching aids, early education, cartoon images, uplifting quotes, blogging, décor and apparel. Our creative team consists of Cattywampus Jack and Jelly Jazz, but we are always on the lookout for kindred spirits to help us achieve our purpose.