Melting Snow

The snow is starting to melt. I would be lying if I said I was sad to see the snow go, but I am not a fan of it and probably never will be. I once told my husband that people that say they like the snow never had to shovel it; especially in negative degree, chilly weather.

We have gotten so much snow this winter. I am not sure when all of the snow is going to melt, but it has started so that is nice. I have tried getting our kids outside most every day, at least for a little bit this winter. In the beginning, it was challenging because our oldest would not like to put on his snow gear. He has never liked to wear jackets or hats. So I looked at different hat options and I found one that I thought he would love to wear and it worked. It even came with mittens so that was a bonus. I have loved to see our children playing in the snow and going down the tall hills of snow that we have. I will admit that it was a little sad to have the snow melting and to see their disappointment as they couldn’t easily climb up the hills because the snow was too mushy.

However, it is fun to see them stomping in the puddles that are now forming in our backyard. I thought that our oldest would have a fit because he was getting dirty from the mud, but so far he has been fine and really enjoys going outside. I am sure our kids will miss the snow a little bit when it all goes, but I think they will be happy to finally be able to play in the sandbox. Every day our oldest asks if he can play in the sandbox. I tell him not quite yet, but when most of the snow melts then he can play in it. Our daughter was playing with some snow in the backyard and said she was eating a donut. I looked at the ice she was holding and I could see why she was pretending it was a donut. It was a circle and it had a hole in the center.

There are some good memories from this winter, but we are ready to make some new ones that don’t involve snow.

-Jelly Jazz