Birth Story Part 1

It’s been over a month since I have given birth so I thought I would share our baby’s birth story part 1.

The Saturday before I went into labor I was feeling uncomfortable. I knew the baby was low, but I wasn’t having any contractions. However, it was the same kind of feeling I had when I went into labor with my last baby so I was a little nervous. There was a lot of pressure, but no contractions. However, that uncomfortable feeling stopped.

I did message our babysitter to keep her updated on our situation. Our number one babysitter on call is wonderful. I have called her for doctor appointments and she is wonderful with our kids. I had been stressed trying to find other options of babysitters in case she couldn’t make it. Moving to a new place and not knowing anyone is hard; especially when it comes to matters like this. So we were happy that she could help us. But we felt like we needed at least one more person. We were happy and relieved that my husband’s mom could come out and help us. However, we were praying that baby would wait until after she came. She came in on that Sunday night. I went into labor later Monday afternoon.

I had my 38 week doctor’s appointment and the doctor asked if I wanted to see if I was dilated. I knew that if she checked me I would go into labor; as that is what happened with my first baby. After the doctor left so that I could get ready for the exam I thought to myself, “Am I ready to have a baby this week?” I felt comfortable and confident that I was ready. I had been preparing stuff and getting ready for the baby for a few weeks now because in my heart I knew that baby was coming early.

-Jelly Jazz