Sharing Feelings

I heard the most heartbreaking comment from our three-year-old, a day after I cut his hair. I can’t remember how the conversation went, but he told me that no one would talk with him because he got a haircut. It is a challenge to cut his hair, but I felt like I did a good job using the razor and having patience with him as he would scream and move around on the chair.

I wasn’t heartbroken because he thought I did a horrible job cutting his hair; I was heartbroken because he felt like other people wouldn’t like him because of his haircut. It was a random comment from him and maybe he didn’t mean it the way he said it, but it was sad to hear that from him.

It reminded me that we all need to be kind to each other and build up each other’s self-esteem. Everyone has feelings and kids especially are trying to understand those emotions that they are feeling.

It has reminded me to compliment our children even more so that they know just how amazing and loved they are. I also have been trying better to ask our children how they are doing and if they are ok. Sometimes I don’t understand all of what they are saying in their toddler words, but I want them to feel comfortable talking and sharing what they are feeling. So I am always there to listen to them.

Baby Update!

I am in my third trimester now! I can not believe it. We are very excited to meet our bundle of joy soon. We are not finding out the gender so it will be a surprise for everyone!

It was hard at the beginning with feeling nausea all the time. Some days I would turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and let the kids watch a few episodes while I would lay on the floor. I have been out of the morning sickness stage for a while now, but some days are STILL hard emotionally.
Taking care of two little ones while wanting to take care of me is tough. My husband has been a great support through all of this.

Pregnancy hormones have been tough this round, but hopefully, those emotions will lessen a bit. Despite the hardships of being pregnant, I love feeling the baby move inside me. I can not wait to meet this little one. All of our babies have been blessings and miracles.

In other news, I get to do the lovely glucose test soon. I am crossing my fingers that I will not have gestational diabetes with this pregnancy. I had it with my second one. It was hard to prick my finger at least four times a day, but whatever the results are everything will be ok. All these tests doctors do are to make sure that you and the baby are healthy and get the best care and treatment, so I am grateful for that.

-Jelly Jazz