Sometimes it is hard to take the kids out to the library or the park by myself. I wish that my husband could come with me all the time, but having a job is kind of important so that doesn’t work. There is definitely a lot of work that comes with going on an outing. I have to make sure that everyone has gone potty, that we have our shoes on, jackets zipped up…etc. I have to make sure that my bag is packed with diapers, lots of snacks to persuade the kids to leave the park, and toys for the car ride. It does take a lot of work to go somewhere where we may only spend 30 minutes at a certain place.
Recently I took our kids to the library when my mom was in town. I thought that it would be a fun little outing. Boy, was I wrong! Our oldest did not want to share the train set with any other kids at the library. Then he was upset that we could not find a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CD. So while I was checking out I had the older two kids crying and wanting to “help” me check out, but it was not helpful at all. The baby was getting upset so Grandma took him outside. I finally made it out the door and as much as I would like to say that things got better after that, they did not. Our oldest was throwing a temper tantrum in the car the entire trip home. It felt like a disaster!
I did not want to take our kids anywhere else after that. It was embarrassing and I get embarrassed very easily. But even though it is hard most days, I do have to remind myself that it is important to get them out so that they can learn how to socialize with other kids. Covid has made it hard for our kids to learn how to act in public and socialize with other kids. I have felt bad and feel like they have lost out on a lot because they have been in lockdown for what seems like most of their life. Plus moving to a new place in covid hasn’t helped because it has made it hard to get to know other individuals. So any chance I get to take them out, I will because I want them to learn and have fun. Recently our son has been saying after trips to the park or the splash pad, “Thank you, mommy, for taking us out.” It has made my day when he has said this because even though going out is hard, I know that they have enjoyed our outing. That brings me a lot of happiness.