Quality Time

Personally I have felt like adjusting to three kids is harder than two kids. I want to be able to give them all equal attention, but I know they deserve more. Our second child has become a little more defiant; she loves saying “no” a lot and getting in her brother’s space and annoying him. Today the thought came to me that part of her problem is that, yes, she is a toddler so it is normal what she is doing, but also that she might be needing a little more extra attention.

So I thought that maybe starting some special one- on- one parent attention time would be best for our children. We may go on a walk, go to the library, hang out at the parkā€¦ etc. It might not be every week that we do this; we would do it as we feel like it is especially needed.
I can’t remember a day, besides doctors appointments, that I have had at least one child on an outing. Every child is different, but I think it is important for our children that we set aside some special quality time for them that doesn’t involve the other kids.

Tonight I took our daughter on a walk around the neighborhood. She really enjoyed it and it was fun to see her get excited about the dogs that she saw. I would ask her how many dogs did she see and she would say an outrageous number just because she wanted to be silly. Our other two kids were at home with daddy having a dance party and having a blast. Our oldest son is already excited for his special quality time tomorrow and has already chosen that he wants to go on a walk too.